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    LIVING LEGACY BLOG — Gracie Essentials

    Your Supplements Might be Killing You!

    Your Supplements Might be Killing You!

    Just like my father, Great Master Carlos Gracie Sr., I became an autodidact when the subject is healthy nutrition.

    And I cannot ignore the evolution of this market in the last few years, specially in a country like the US. We have seen a significant growth of interest in the topic, especially among the younger population.

    However, people quickly began to realize that keeping a natural, healthy, strict and disciplined diet it's not practical in the modern society, where everyone is in a kind of a "rush" for everything. 

    And that is where the supplement industry has found one of its main pillars by addressing the "need" for instant consumption of essential nutrients in a very convenient format: a capsule or a powder scoop.

    As getting the necessary nutritional value from the real food that we eat alone became nearly impossible nowadays, we then turn to supplements of different kinds.

    That was the main reason why I created Gracie Essentials. If you cannot fight them, join them. But in a way you can preserve your principles, values and beliefs.

    Mostly important,  I did not want to enter in my academy's locker room anymore and find my athletes taking supplements that represent a treat to their health. 

    But this was not their fault. I realized that a lot of people fail to comprehend that taking nutritional supplements from unauthorized and unproven ingredients with questionable health effects is a considerable gamble that may end up causing potentially devastating effects on their bodies. 

    Watch Fake Products 

    Not only there is an abundance of fake supplements and other types of nutrition on the market, but the trend is growing in popularity. Products of this kind are even sold by trainers and self-proclaimed nutritionists, coming from sources that cannot be trusted.

    Unfortunately, the consumer is unaware of the schemes as well as of the side effects, which can follow. 

    What to do? 

    My honest advice is to purchase your supplements, whey protein, pre-workouts, BCAA, Vitamins and all sorts of additional supplementation from renowned, reputable and established brands on the market. I take pride in also providing this possibility to you with Gracie Essentials. 

    This is absolutely critical. It’s true that proper intake of additional nutrition through different supplements could be particularly beneficial. It could significantly increase and enhance your performance

    Furthermore, it could also help you with different weight-related challenges. Whether you want to gain weight and muscles or you want to burn through excessive fat, proper supplements are absolutely necessary and paramount. However, you should make sure that you get this from reliable sources with established reputation. 

    So, a few things you have to check before buying supplements: 

    1. Make sure the company manufacturers the product in the USA. 

    2. Look for certifications from the manufacturer like GMP (good manufacturer practices)

    3. See if the products are manufactured in a approved FDA (Food and Drugs Administration) facility.

    4. Look the label of the supplement and check if everything is disclosed. Be careful with proprietary blends that do not tell you what is inside the formula. 

    5. Be sure there are no banned substances in the formula. FDA banned some harmful ingredients that even the big supplements and retail brands used to sell with no restrictions in the market.

    6. Make sure the company has a website and a real customer service. You have to be able to communicate with the manufacturer in case you have any doubts about the ingredients or the directions to take the supplement  

    7. And last, but not the least, we advice you to talk with your doctor in order to determine your compatibility and proneness to taking supplements of the kind. Remember, supplements are not medicines and are not supposed to cure any deceases. Always trust in your doctor's opinion.

    Hope this information helps you to navigate through this huge market of sports nutrition with so many options in the shelf. And do not forget to check our products at www.gracieessentials.com


    Master Rilion Gracie

    This is my LIFE! This is my WAY!

    This is my LIFE! This is my WAY!

    My name is Rilion Gracie. I am the youngest son of the Grand Master Carlos Gracie Sr., founder of Gracie Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and the creator of MMA. I have been involved in my father’s tradition since I was born. I grew up in the world of mats, healthy living, improved life skills, spiritual development and philosophic concepts of Gracie Jiu-Jitsu.

    In the 1920s, my father, Grand Master Carlos Gracie Sr. (image) realized that he had to find a way to make a major change in his life, keep his body strong and increase longevity, for passing on his legacy to the entire Gracie family. That scenario set the tone for a major breakthrough in history, with the creation of a totally new healthy living lifestyle method based on three concepts:

    1. Not poisoning the body
    2. Taking care of it
    3. Respecting the adequate chemical combination of different types of food in a meal.

    In that same sense, after many decades of learning, I am proud to launch Gracie Essentials® that has as a goal to provide the purest and best quality functional nutrition and supplements for all kinds of athletes and sports enthusiasts who value those same principles.

    The Gracie Essentials® products are free of toxic substances that can cause harm to the human body and are formulated with premium ingredients.

    This is the way I found to take the next step of my journey, through a modern concept of my father's legacy, being able to help millions of people in their physical challenges and spreading the healthy lifestyle mindset around the world! Hope you can join me on this endeavor!


    Master Rilion Gracie