How Probiotics Can Boost your Fitness
Research shows that probiotics can control the good and bad bacteria in the gut. It also protects the gut against digestive issues and inflammation. However, now research has shown that probiotics might provide more benefits than what was known before. Below are ways in which a probiotic supplement can help improve your fitness.
Nutrient Absorption
Probiotics can help maintain optimal health of the gut lining that leads to better nutrient and energy absorption. The gut lining is made of cells that control the absorption of nutrients, and at the same time gets rid of waste. That’s why it is important to keep the cells of the gut healthy at all times.
Athletic activity and regular workout can put a stress on your immune system. Majority of the immune system resides in the gastrointestinal tract or GI. By regularly taking probiotics pre and post-workout, you are able to maximize your immune activity without having to compromise your performance during workout. The good bacteria produce compounds that can help prevent oxidative stress, inflammation, and infection. These factors can help you recover faster, and get the most out of the workout.
Diet and Weight Loss
A good diet plan involves the balance of vegetables, hearty grains, and fruits. You might not know it, but the fiber from the foods is also raw material probiotics that can be utilized to make vitamins. Consuming at least 60 grams of fiber each day will allow you to get 10 percent of your daily caloric requirements without having to add more calories.
Improves Mood and controls Cravings
The good bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract produce dopamine and serotonin. Over 75% of these hormones of our entire body are located in the gut. These are two hormones that help elevate the mood. By taking probiotic each day, you will be able to get into the “good” mood to workout. But that is not all! With low serotonin levels, you will feel those famous cravings for carbs, especially during the night. That’s why when you eat that delicious chocolate bar you feel so happy and satisfied … your “mood” is fed by serotonin!
Produce Nutrients
Gut bacteria and probiotics produce various nutrients as a by-product of their metabolism. For instance, probiotic bacteria produce vitamins B, and K. Indigestible fiber is also metabolized from the diet into short chain fatty acids (SCFA) that are used by the gut cells, and help in feeding other tissues and organs. With a healthy gut, you are able to generate 10 percent of the daily caloric requirement through the production of SCFA.
Last but definitely not the least; probiotic can help prevent inflammation of the gut lining. It has been observed that strenuous workout can result to gastrointestinal problems, such as diarrhea, because of the inflammation of the gut lining. Probiotic can prevent this from happening. It protects the gut, which allows you to exercise without worrying about problems with your gastrointestinal tract.
Probiotic supplement can help in both recovery and performance. And that’s how it can boost your overall fitness. And through the right supplement, you’ll get a good dose of good bacteria that will help the body perform at its best.